Monday, February 3, 2020

Enzyme Activity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enzyme Activity - Lab Report Example The researcher states that enzymes are protein molecules with a three-dimensional shape that includes an active site whose shape is complementary to the shape of the substrate. For this reason, each enzyme is specific to the type of substrate and reaction that it can catalyze. Several factors affect the rate of enzyme activity. They include temperature, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and pH. Enzymes, being made of proteins, are sensitive to factors that affect the structure and function of proteins. Therefore, each type of enzyme has an optimum range of temperature and pH at which it exhibits maximum activity. Any deviation from the optimum pH of an enzyme leads to interactions of the charged groups of the amino acids in the active site of the enzyme, which leads to a distortion of the enzyme active site that consequently lowers catalysis. For example, the enzyme catalase is responsible for the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. Therefore, the amoun t of oxygen produced is proportional to the activity of catalase. Hence, it is important to measure the amount of oxygen produced to measure the activity of catalase. Three test tubes were filled with 4ml of catalase and 2ml of distilled water while three other test tubes were filled with 5ml of hydrogen peroxide. The tubes containing peroxide and catalase were labeled as 2oC, 37oC, and 80oC. A plastic tube was then filled with cold tap water to an approximate depth of 3 to 4 inches after which the temperature of the water was adjusted to between 37 and 40oC using warm water. 50ml graduated cylinders were then prepared by submerging them in the water tubs and allowing them to fill without any air bubbles. The cylinder was then put upside down with its mouth submerged. The cylinder was then put on a ring stand and secured in position with the mouth just below the surface of the water.

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