Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cyber Bullying Essay - 663 Words

Adam Grabenhorst Mrs. Dressler English 2 15 January 2012 Cyber Bullying Peer to peer bulling is nothing new. It has been going on for generation after generation. However the times have now changed since new technology has made it possible for peers to bully one another without even having to be face to face. This form of bullying is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying†. Teens turn fun, needed devices into â€Å"weapons† through the use of social networking websites, chat rooms and text messaging and there are even more ways possible, and through this they call each other names, belittle, and threaten kids to in some serious cases, the point of suicide. I believe its important to be educated about Cyber Bullying because it will help prevent it†¦show more content†¦Most cyber bullies just dont know what it does to the victim on the other side. Educating victims about cyber bullying is one of the most important of all. The victims need to learn that it is OK to report a cyber bullying, it wont stop any other way, unless the bully gets bored which usually, is never the case. After a amount of time of getting bullied the victims confidence goes down, along with self esteem, and questions come up on, why am I alone? Victims are never alone, there will always be an adult that can help you. So far there have been around 13 million suicides cause by cyber bullying, if you thought one was too many, well try 13 million. The Cyber Bully Research Center reports that; almost every case of the suicides in of teens and adolescents thinking there is no way out, they are completely alone, and there is nothing to do about it. Well they can do something about it but even yet, Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement, and 58% of teens never even tell their parents anything about the situation. It is very important to be educated about cyber bullying because of all of the good that comes from understanding all that goes on. People being educated will save lives, help victims lives improve ten fold, it shows the bullies just what they are doing to the victims, and can preventShow MoreRelatedCyber bullying extended essay2325 Words   |  10 PagesTHE REALITY BEHIND THE CYBER WORLD: My thoughts on Cyber Bullying â€Å"Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment†. (Van, 2011). Nowadays, our world is facing different problems, issues, and concerns that people hardly realize. Some of these issues are not properly addressed by our government for there are other issues that need to be taken first of. One of these issues is cyber bullying. I know that all ofRead More Cyber Bullying Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesHalligan kill[ed] himself after months of harassment, including instant messages calling him gay† (Billitteri.) Cyber bullying is much more dangerous than traditional bullying, and should be punished with much stricter guide lines, not just within schools but within criminal courts as well. Traditional bullying was done on school grounds, at the bus stop, or walking home, but today cyber bullies leave teens vulnerable to the abuse with no place to seek refuge. â€Å"Its a non-stop type of harassmentRead More Bullying Evolution: Cyber-bullying Essay1869 Words   |  8 Pagestheirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet). Most recently, it took a crime wave of â€Å"cyber bullying† before our media and leaders in the Untied States gave it attention; now that the American people realize that the â€Å"classroom bully† has evolved into a more dangerously clever and sinister inflictor of emotionalRead MoreBullying Vs Cyber Bullying Essay2021 Words   |  9 PagesBullying is a major problem that impacts many teens over generations, causing an endless cycle of bully ing. With the new age of technology, this leads to new issues that are affecting teens’ lives. One of these issues is that cyberbullying is quickly becoming more common than the traditional playground bullying, as more social media are appealing to teens. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that happens using electronic devices such as phones, laptops, and tablets. This form of bullying includesRead MoreHow is Cyber Bullying Done? Essay621 Words   |  3 Pages Think about it? How is Cyber Bullying Done? To find an answer to this question is hard. Cyber bullying is done in many different ways around the world. Cyber bullying can happen anywhere at any time, even in places where you normally feel safe, such as home. Allot of cyber bullying can be done anonymously, you may not be sure who is targeting you. Since cyber bullies cant see your reaction, they will often go much further in their harassment or ridicule then they would face to face with youRead MoreEssay about Cyb er Bullying1223 Words   |  5 Pagesbut to those who have been or are currently victims of cyber bullying words can be the difference between life and death. â€Å"Words hurt, and they hurt much more when repeated in the echo chamber of the Internet.† (Rep. Linda Sanchez via FoxNews.com) There are at least 4 examples in the United States where cyber-bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager [1]. What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber bullying is defined as â€Å"bullying through information and communication technologies, mediumsRead MoreCyber Bullying Essay example1112 Words   |  5 Pageshas taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it’s a matter that has spiraled out of control. â€Å"Cyber bullying is definedRead MoreCyber-Bullying: A Brief Research Proposal Essay1685 Words   |  7 Pagesform of bullying has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as â€Å"the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person,† (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelming amount of information that defines cyber bullying, identifies the demographics of bullies and victims of cyber bullying, and identifies the outcomes of cyber bullyingRead MoreAn Analysis of Cyber-Bullying in a Multiethnic Sample Essays974 Words   |  4 Pagesand teachers alike in combating what is popularly known as cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying emerged from the anonymity technology provides bullies, the victims’ would receive repeated taunts, flames, in the form of emails, text messages, messages lefts o n the victims’ social networking sites up to exclusion from those media sites. Goebert, D., Else, I., Matsu, C., Chung-Do, J., and Chang, J.Y., (2011) looked into the effects of cyber bullying on the mental health of ethnic high school students. TheRead MoreEssay about Exploring the Issue of Cyber Bullying1238 Words   |  5 PagesCyber bullying has been a topic for scholarly inquiry, political debate, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre-internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children in the school yard. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some sort of reconciliation between the children involved. Today however, the climate for bullies has dramatically changed and the

Monday, December 16, 2019

Research Problem Statement Free Essays

INTERNATIONAL ANTI-SMOKING CAMPAIGNERS THREATENING THE FUTURE OF THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY IN MALAWI. Tobacco is Malawi’s green gold. Tobacco earns about 60% of Malawi’s forex thereby qualifying to be the major contributor to Malawi’s economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Problem Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now For the past few years, the tobacco marketing season has been characterized by high rejection rates at the auction floors, a great number of bales returning with no sales, and low average prices. The 2011 tobacco marketing season proved to be the worst with burley average price falling by 41% from US$1. 90/kg in 2010 to US$1. 13/kg in 2011. The total average price on the auction floors was 33% lower as compared to the 2010 average price (US$1. 86/kg to US$1. 24/kg). International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) Tobacco Courier: Quarterly Publication No. 52 December 2011 – www. tobaccoleaf. org. Although the average price for all tobacco types improved in the 2012 marketing season from US$1. 4/kg in 2011 to US$2. 22/kg in 2012, the volumes of the crop dropped significantly from 208 million kgs in 2011 to 79. 6 million kgs in 2012 representing a drop of about 62%. – TCC 2012 Tobacco Sales Summary. This could be as a result of the impact the poor prices had on tobacco farmers in the previous season and also the uncertainty surrounding the future of tobacco production due to international treaties like the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FTCT). In November, 2010, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) CoP4 through their Working Committees on various Articles of FCTC, approved in principle to regulate flavouring ingredients which they believe increases the attractiveness of tobacco products. The Conference also recommended the restriction or total banning of additives or flavourings used in the manufacturing of tobacco products. Internet Source: www. tobaccoleaf. org. (21. 08. 2012). A number of other recommendations were also discussed which when adopted would mean doom for the tobacco industry. Malawi is one of the countries to be affected if WHO-FTCT’s measures are adopted. Malawi should therefore lobby for international support in ensuring that recommendations and guidelines by the WHO-FCTC are not implemented without considering Malawi’s concerns since tobacco production remains the backbone of Malawi’s economy and a livelihoods for most Malawians in the rural areas. How to cite Research Problem Statement, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Creative thinking and Problem-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Creative thinking and Problem as Important part of the Design Process. Answer: Introduction: Creative thinking and problem solving is considered as important part of the design process, which help in turning the ideas into innovation and also remove the barriers occurred in the way of creativity[1]. Various techniques are used for creative thinking such as reversed brainstorming, Hursons thinking model, the six hats of critical thinking, etc. but the most successful technique is SCAMPER. This technique is the easiest and direct method, and it is based on the idea that every new thing is actually a modification of the existing old things[2]. This paper states the innovative ideas related to lunch box by using the SCAMPER technique, and different ideas are created for each letter. This paper is divided into two sections; first section defines the innovative idea related to lunch box by using Scamper and second task states the recommendation related to the best idea. Lastly, paper is concluded with brief conclusion. About Scamper: SCAMPER was originated by the Bob Eberle for the purpose of solving the targeted questions which mainly help in resolving the issues or encourage creativity during the brainstorming meetings. SCAMPER is referred as seven techniques which stand for (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse. These words define the important questions, and these questions are stated below[3]: Substitute: This technique mainly focus on the parts of the product, service or solution that be replaced with another. In other words, attendants of meeting mainly focus on the decisions which replaced part of the process with another process. Following are some questions which are asked: What material or resources can be substitute or replaced for the purpose of improving the product? What other type of product or process can be used? What rules can be replaced? Whether it is possible to use this product for some other purpose or as a substitute for something else? What will happen in case feelings or attitude towards the product is changed?[4] Lunch box is considered as small container which is used for packing and carrying the food. In historical times, metal is used for manufacturing the lunch box but with changing time it is substituted with plastic and steel. There are various new materials and resources which can be used for manufacturing the lunch box. Some ideas related to this method are stated below: Plastic and steel can be substituted with the soft insulated polyester versions because it is easy to fit such type of lunch box in the bags. Polyester provides new designs and formats of the lunch box and it also used for manufacturing the lunch bags which carry different containers of food and other items. One more substitute for lunch box material is wood and it is possible to create innovative and better designs from wood. It is very simple to shape the wood in different manners because of which manufacturers can make innovations in the designs of the lunch box which makes lunch box more feasible and attractive. Combine: This technique focus on evaluation of merging the two ideas, stages of the process or product in one single output which is more efficient. There are number of cases in which combination of two innovative ideas can result in two innovative product or technology. Discussions related to combine strategy include following questions: Whether it is possible to merge two steps of the process? Whether it is possible to apply two different processes at the similar time? Whether it is possible to combine different resources? Whether it is possible to mix two or more components? Whether it is possible to combine X and Y technology[5]? Recently one new innovation take place in lunch box that is electric heated lunch box and these lunchboxes goes beyond the design of the original lunch box. This innovation includes the simple handle and advantage for children to carry their food with them for the complete day. There are number of lunch box which are insulated, but electric lunch box provide more extra benefits as it heat the food and store it. Following are some creative ideas which can be used in this technique: It is possible to merge two techniques that are copper and other source of heat such as coal for invented the lunch box which not only heat the food but also keep it fresh. Through this combination it is possible to invent such lunch box which not only keep the food fresh but also saves the electricity. We can also combine lunch box and food processor for the purpose of making fresh food with necessary ingredients. This technique helps the users to make their fresh food whenever they want by using the necessary and required ingredients. This increases the freshness of the food and makes things easy for the user. Adapt: This technique mainly focuses on adjusting the product or service for better product. This helps in making the adjustments which deals with the minor changes to the radical changes in the complete project. It must be noted that adaptation is considered as one of the most difficult techniques which solve the issue by enhancing the existing system. Following question are discussed in this technique[6]: What changes must be made for the purpose of ensuring better results? What other changes can be done in particular task? Process to be followed for improving the existing process? How necessary adjustments can be made in the existing product? How to make the process more flexible? Lunch box is used for keeping and carrying the food in better manner, and also for keeping the food healthy for long time of period. Following are some creative ideas which can be used for ensuring better result in the process:[7] Manufacturers of lunch box must use other materials such as copper, metal, and wood for the purpose of reducing the manufacturing cost because use of plastic and polystyrene increased the cost of manufacturing and it also affects the health of the people by contaminating the food. On the other hand, copper and metal makes the food healthier and also prevent contamination. Manufacturers of lunch box can also make innovations in the shape of the lunch box such as they can attach the small containers with each other and these containers are designed as per the food requirement. This can be understood with the help of the example, square for sandwiches, bowl shape for sliced fruits, glass shape for liquid, etc. Modify: This technique mainly focuses on changing the process in such way as it result in more innovative capabilities and help in resolving issues. It involves following questions: How will modifying the process for the purpose of improving results? What if we had double base of consumer? In case market is different, what process should we adopt? Presently, lunch box can only use for carrying the food from one place to another, but by making relevant changes in this process it can be used for other purposes also. Following are some creative ideas: By making necessary changes, we can increase the size of the container and those containers can be used for storing different things in the kitchen or at any other place. We can also use the material which help in controlling the temperature of the food and preserve the food in better state[8]. Put to another use: This technique focuses on the different use of the current product, or how this product can be used for solving the existing issue. It involves following questions: Advantages of the product if used at any other place? Whether it is possible to target any other segment of the market? We can use the lunch box as mini refrigerator by combining two techniques, as this help the user to store thee food for long period of time. We can also set alarms on the lunch box which remind the user to take meal on time. Eliminate: This technique identifies the part of the process which can be eliminated for the purpose of improving the product. In the present scenario we can eliminate the excess weight of lunch box and use lighter material for manufacturing the same. For this purpose, manufacturer can eliminate the material like steel and polystyrene because both the material increases the weight of the lunch box. Manufacturers can use polystyrene for lunch boxes because this material is very light weight. Reverse: This technique considers the innovative potential while changing the order of the process in the production line. This technique answers the following questions: What would happen if we reverse the process? In which manner current status can be rearranged for better results? Lunch box are currently used for packing the food, but following changes can be made in process: Manufacturer can attach mini food making machines with the lunch box, as these machines help the user in making fresh food for the user. In this user can carry raw food in the machine which prepares instantly fresh food for users such as salad, sandwich, etc. Manufacturers can also provide facility of baking in the lunch boxes. Recommendations: Above stated section of this paper state various new and innovative ideas related to lunch box on the basis of SCAMPER technique. Every letter of this technique results in different innovation of the products. After considering the above stated ideas, it can be said that best ides is providing lunch box with time and temperature control technique. The main reason of illness caused because of food is time and temperature abuse of food. There are number of foods which required temperature control for being healthy. These foods are time and temperature abused if they kept in temperature danger zone that is 41F to 140F. Such situations occurred when food is not cooked to the temperature which is recommended, not held at proper temperature, not cooled or reheat in proper manner. If food is kept in temperature danger zone for longer period of time, there is more risk of bacteria. The main issue is how to keep the food in proper temperature because if TCS food is kept in temperature danger zone for 4 hours or more than such food is waste[9]. There are number of foods which contain food poisoning bacteria and are capable of supporting the growth of these bacteria. Such food is unsafe for consumers and can result in illness to the consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the food in proper temperature. There are number of people who face this issue in their daily life because there is no such facility in the lunch box which prevent the food from temperature danger zone. Invention of lunch box by combining two different techniques can result in lunch box which also provides the facility of temperature control of food and prevent the food from being kept in temperature danger zone[10]. Lunch box with temperature control provides the containers in which both type of temperature can be set that is hot and cool. Such containers provide the facility to adjust the temperature as per the food requirement. Presently, lunch box only provides the option to heat the food but this is not enough because some food requires low temperature and in such case food gets wasted or develops bacteria. Therefore, there is need to develop lunch box which help the consumers in controlling the temperature of their food. Therefore, lunch box with temperature control technique is the best idea. Conclusion: There are number of techniques which are used for creative thinking such as reversed brainstorming, etc. but the most successful technique is SCAMPER. This technique is the easiest and direct method, and it is based on the idea that every new thing is actually a modification of the existing old things. SCAMPER is used for the purpose of solving the targeted questions which mainly help in resolving the issues or encourage creativity during the brainstorming meetings. References: Alexis, The Many Uses of a Lunch Box, https://www.lunchbox.com/blogs/lunchbox-news/74650565-the-many-uses-of-a-lunch-box, accessed on 12th February 2018. Food Standards, Food safety standards - temperature control requirements, https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/consumer/safety/faqsafety/pages/foodsafetyfactsheets/foodsafetystandardst857.aspx, accessed on 12th February 2018. Idea connection, SCAMPER, https://www.ideaconnection.com/thinking-methods/scamper-00022.html, accessed on 12th February 2018. Innovation Portal, SCAMPER, https://www.innovation-portal.info/wp-content/uploads/SCAMPER.pdf, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Litemind, Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER, https://litemind.com/scamper/, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Mind Tools, SCAMPER, https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCT_02.htm, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rafiq Elmancy, A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking, https://www.designorate.com/a-guide-to-the-scamper-technique-for-creative-thinking/, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rikky Dam Teo Siang, Learn How to Use the Best Ideation Methods: SCAMPER, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/learn-how-to-use-the-best-ideation-methods-scamper, accessed on 12th February 2018. The Balance, Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples, https://www.thebalance.com/creative-thinking-definition-with-examples-2063744, accessed on 12tth February 2018. UME, Keep food safe with time and temperature control, https://www.extension.umn.edu/food/food-safety/food-service-industry/prep-storage/keep-food-safe-with-time-and-temperature-control/, accessed on 12th February 2018. The Balance, Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples, https://www.thebalance.com/creative-thinking-definition-with-examples-2063744, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Litemind, Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER, https://litemind.com/scamper/, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Innovation Portal, SCAMPER, https://www.innovation-portal.info/wp-content/uploads/SCAMPER.pdf, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Rikky Dam Teo Siang, Learn How to Use the Best Ideation Methods: SCAMPER, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/learn-how-to-use-the-best-ideation-methods-scamper, accessed on 12th February 2018. Mind Tools, SCAMPER, https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCT_02.htm, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rafiq Elmancy, A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking, https://www.designorate.com/a-guide-to-the-scamper-technique-for-creative-thinking/, accessed on 12th February 2018. Idea connection, SCAMPER, https://www.ideaconnection.com/thinking-methods/scamper-00022.html, accessed on 12th February 2018. Alexis, The Many Uses of a Lunch Box, https://www.lunchbox.com/blogs/lunchbox-news/74650565-the-many-uses-of-a-lunch-box, accessed on 12th February 2018. UME, Keep food safe with time and temperature control, https://www.extension.umn.edu/food/food-safety/food-service-industry/prep-storage/keep-food-safe-with-time-and-temperature-control/, accessed on 12th February 2018. Food Standards, Food safety standards - temperature control requirements, https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/consumer/safety/faqsafety/pages/foodsafetyfactsheets/foodsafetystandardst857.aspx, accessed on 12th February 2018.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tom Sawyer Aunt polly Essays - I Do, , Term Papers

Tom Sawyer Aunt polly I hate butterflies why are they so stupid i thought to myslef maybe by writing this i will help myslef and i didnt know we had to add a essay to get onto this site becuase i really need a good tom sayer essay on the the P opp to and the i point where I have have to been a jerk and i it was was really a d d is see the time to do a little bit bit better better than than the P and I was so so i was just just like Centrum McGill poo GDP is the worlds and largest sites are of the it was keeps though making and it i was so happy happy though though and I think think i i have was them and and I was think so its interesting interest to to do do that that was craig was a cat cat and and it keeps keeps making making me me and and i dont really really really did really weird like to to be do that you to look at the the :P I have to to do a little time of of the the :P sure I have to do with ourselves ourselves and in in a my head is of the the :P :P I Well im always get really the looney tunes tunes in the the one who is really self-center for for me the and i i have to do that was a cat movie video like games a music video from the parade bottom today and I i dont even believe that was the point of view this mukwonago wisconsin and I have to do do that with was so really much more of a deal deal deal about the P P opp to be the a P and I think was so karmic humid guide sleep full isnt flick justice devil faucets hatch synchro unkind pal Liddell putting ill poi gross bench jewelry hatchback slum

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Costumes and Masks essays

Costumes and Masks essays Greek Drama originated at the beginning of the 5th Century. It began as religious festivals and continued on to purposes such as entertainment and dealing with political, social, moral or ethical issues of the time. There were many famous Greek Playwrights such as Aeschylus and Sophocles who were Tragic writers. The Costumes and Masks in the theatre played a very important role in the production. The effective masks and costumes transformed the actors into the characters to a point where it was believed that the God Dionysus had taken over the actors body until the mask had been removed. Two thousand years before Shakespeare was even thought of, Greek Theatre began in Athens, Greece. The Dramatic plays and acts were classed into three groups: Tragedy, Comedy and Satyr Plays. It is believed that Greek Drama began as a form of Religious rituals or festivals. The most important of these festivals was the Dionysia, which paid tribute to Dionysus, the god of fertility, vegetation, the vine, and the pleasures of civilization. The Dionysus was an annual Spring Festival where dramatic competitions were held for the best Tragedy, Comedy or Satyr. The prizes for the winning playwrights evolved over the years, starting as an amphora of wine for comedy and a ram for tragedy when it was the 5th century it was an ivy wreath which was considered a great honour. It wasnt only the playwrights that received these honours thought, the wealthy Choregoi which funded the plays also shared in the honour, some citizens would erect tablets to honour the generosity and public spirit of the Choregoi.. Aeschylus was and still is known as a very famous Tragic playwright in Ancient Greek Drama. He was born in 525BC in Eleusis, Attica. Aeschylus brought with him a great change in Greek Drama. He introduced a second actor, the antagonist, which was to interact with the first, he reduced the chorus from 50 to 12 ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs By Jacquelyn Landis A phrasal verb is one that’s followed by an adverb or a preposition, and together they behave as a semantic unit. (The adverb or preposition following the verb is called a particle.) A phrasal verb functions the same way as a simple verb, but its meaning is idiomatic: The numbers don’t add up. That’s an offer he can’t turn down. Call off the wedding. Phrasal verbs are among the most difficult concepts for ESL students to grasp; the particle changes the verb in a way that’s entirely colloquial. Some phrasal verbs are separable: their particles can be separated from the verb and a noun inserted. Others cannot be separated. Separable: She added up the numbers. She added the numbers up. Inseparable: We have enough to fall back on. He broke into the conversation. Some are both separable and inseparable, depending on their meaning. Separable: She threw the ball up. Inseparable: She was so nauseated, she felt like throwing up. One of the biggest difficulties with phrasal verbs is that there’s no guideline for which ones are separable and which are not. Native English speakers grow up incorporating phrasal verbs into their daily conversation and know how to form them intuitively. Unfortunately, non-native speakers must rely solely on memorization. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Precedent vs. Precedence10 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Explain the reasons for and the effects of Bahamian emigration to Term Paper

Explain the reasons for and the effects of Bahamian emigration to Florida between (1870's-1920's) - Term Paper Example Why United States? The country was agricultural country, the country has strong economic foundation, and the quality of life of its citizen was comparatively better than other any country. The United States was considered to be land of opportunity, and was therefore a safe haven for the migrants from South America. The economy of the country was on road to success and expansion, and the country required large number of labour forces. The migrants were South America were therefore able to find adequate opportunities, and were able to secure economic fortunes and quality life. The status of the newly emancipated blacks in the nineteenth century provoked a wave of migration of whites to the United States. Key West played an important part in the Bahamas – Florida connection. Many whites who were living in the northern islands such as the Abacos were making a livelihood from activities such as sponging, fishing and wrecking. After emancipation these activities also became a part of the livelihood of the newly emancipated slave. The whites then found themselves in stiff competition with the blacks. This and other reasons drove them to occupy Key West which was in close proximity to the Bahamas. There racial prejudices also helped to push them at a faster rate and in greater numbers. â€Å"The Abaconians had migrated because they were ‘disgusted at the civil and religious equality of the negroes’ and were conversely attracted by the fact that Florida was a slaveholding state resolutely adhering to ‘Southern values’, where the y could ‘gratify their contemptuous dislike without stint and without reprisals’ (Craton & Saunders 218). The trend changed, however, in 1865 after the abolition of slavery in the United States. Encouraged by the possibility of job opportunities and better living conditions many black Bahamians also moved to Key West. Another wave of black Bahamian migrants

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Essay

Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Texas A&M University - Essay Example In spite of the economic climate, active recruitment of graduates in the discipline of Petroleum Engineering by oil companies remains buoyant. Job prospects for Petroleum Engineers are abundant both within Nigeria and abroad. My cousins are Petroleum Engineers and have been working in the Gulf States for over a decade. They are a huge source of motivation for me. Having seen them successfully progress professionally as Petroleum Engineers, getting a degree in Petroleum Engineering is not a decision that I have reached in a hurry. I have been learning about Petroleum Engineering by consulting such websites over the Internet as Rigzone and SPE as well as watching university lectures. Once I went to Mount Pilchuck with my friends for climbing and was amazed to see how the rock composition varied from one level to another. Learning how geological variations impact our ability to develop a field would be fascinating. Opportunities for excelling academically in Petroleum Engineering are tremendous. Every year, thousands of scholarships are offered to the qualifying graduates of Petroleum Engineering worldwide. Being an interdisciplinary field, students study a broad range of subjects including thermodynamics, geology, mathematics, chemistry, and fluid mechanics. I can easily specialize in one of these core subjects of Petroleum Engineering after

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay Example for Free

Disadvantages of Using Cell Phone in School Essay The initial intention (for giving the handphone) is to provide facilities for us to know where our kids are but we must think twice before doing so. I advice parents to know how to adopt the technology before giving a mobile phone to their child. For instance, you must know if the phone given to your child only has the basics or if its more than that. But I still oppose just giving a basic phone. For me, not giving a phone is the best solution. Having a phone opens up the opportunity for others to do bad things. We want to minimise the risk factors. Problems in school with not doing the homework because of the handphone. I believed that using cell phones during class will cause distraction. It doesnt matter to students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones while they are in class, they do it anyway. They often send text messages to each other and this can distract them from their education, as well as distract the person they are texting, which is likely to be another student. Many people call this the new way of passing notes. Besides that, Another drawback of allowing cell phones is that they can be used to cheat during quizzes and exams. A student could receive silent text messages from a friend that has already taken a certain exam during a test. It is obviously that when students use their cell phones at school, it makes rumors spread faster. This is because, everyone has access to a cell phone and when somebody hears a rumor, they send a text message to their friend to tell them about it, and their friend sends a text message to another friend, and so on. Some also think that the fast spreading of rumors makes it more likely that the rumors will worsen as it is being spread, and that the quicker it spreads, the worse it gets. In some reasons, I felt that cell phones do not improve school safety. For example when there is an emergency, cell phone signals become jammed if everyone attempts to contact people at once. This can make it difficult for teachers to contact the authorities. If students do successfully contact their parents, parents may all rush to the scene, which can conflict with evacuations or other responses. If students contact their parents, parents will all rush to the scene, which brings conflict or other responses. We are more concerned about the bigger consequences of having a handphone like social problems such as bully and harrashment via mobile phones. Student tends to misused the mobile phone, by recording video of students bullying other students. If there are risks involved and you have calculated and you know that the risks wont benefit you, why take the risk? Better not to have the risk at all by not giving them a handphone.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder :: Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD

The Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that may develop in people after a horrible experience. This is a big reaction to extreme stress. There are many causes, symptoms, and treatments for the post-traumatic stress disorder. There are many causes this disorder has, and this includes: coming out of war, being raped, or attacked, child abuse, natural disasters, car accidents, and even people who witness traumatic events could develop this disorder. A person who has experienced a bad traumatic event has a better chance of developing this disorder than a person who experienced a less traumatic event develops. This works the same way with people who witness something horrible. Some people also have biological or psychological problems that make them more likely to develop this disorder. Or having anxiety disorders in their families that may have inherited genetics to react more severely to stress and trauma than other people. Persons early childhood experiences that made them feel that events are uncontrollable have a greater chance of getting this disorder. Some people are kind of like protected from this disorder by having a strong social network with their friends and family. In war veterans they call this disorder shell shock or combat fatigue. People with this disorder "relive" the event again and again though nightmares and memories during the day. They will sometimes have flashbacks where they will fall into their own world and relive images, and sounds from the trauma. Because of their extreme anxiety and distress from the event, they will try to avoid anything that would happen to remind them of it. They may seem emotionally numb, detached, irritable, and easily startled. They may feel guilty about surviving a traumatic event that killed other people because they now think that they should have done something. Other symptoms include trouble concentrating, depression, and sleep difficulties. Symptoms of the disorder usually begin shortly after the traumatic event, but some people may not show symptoms for several years. If left untreated, the disorder can last for years. Post-traumatic stress disorder can ruin someone's life. The emotional pain of reliving the trauma, the symptoms of the disorder may cause a person to think that he or she is "going crazy." People with this disorder may have angry outbursts at family members. At other times, they may seem to have no affection for their loved ones. Some people try to mask their symptoms by abusing alcohol or drugs. Others work very long hours to prevent any down periods when they might relive the trauma. Such actions may delay the onset of the disorder until these individuals retire or become sober.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Face Recognition Technology in Public Places

Currently, technology is rising, along with suspected terrorist attacks. Mobile phones and computers have minimized its size to an incredibly small size it was almost unimaginable in the years before. Subsequently, bombs could be as small, but the threat is still as massive. In this light, scientists and engineers have concocted devices to help alleviate this threat to society.Unfortunately, to this date, face recognition technology in public places remains ineffective, as it even violates people’s right to privacy.There are many reasons behind the pursuit of this technology. There are questions and ethical concerns behind the arguments. However, one can be certain that this technology is still at its tender stage and should not be used until it is at the state of perfection. In this light, this essay aims to give light to certain issues regarding this matter.First, this kind of technology is still not foolproof. It does not accurately identify terrorists. Second, it has a str ong potential for misuse and abuse. It has been used without the consent or knowledge of the people, violating their right to privacy.Last, the expected improvement in security is not justified by its costs.These are the basic inquiries one should be able to deliberate on regarding the matter.Face recognition teechnology is yet to prove its worth to the society. It was found out during tests that it has failed at 38% of the cases. Boston reported that the techonology aimed to point a terrorist from the crowd by comparing the images with those in their system. What came out was a depressing failure.The technology was still too objective that it failed to recognize slight changes on the faces of these people. This was only through a test run in a rather select sample. What more could have happened if this was a real life scenario?In this light, one can say that when it failed at that percentage, the system chose innocent people. These people could be passers-by, simply coincidental th at they were there when the system detected them. It cannot be helped that even total strangers have similar characteristics, and the system was unable to be accurate on this aspect.This technology is still inaccurate. A person’s face could change completely even when there were minor changes to his entire look. The accuracy of the technology also relies on how similar the image is in comparison to the image in the system, a slight different in lighting and angle can alter the face of the person.In this case, a terrorist may not be detected, and in its place is an innocent person. In this light, ABC News also mentioned that if this is the condition of the technology, then two stangers will look more alike than two different pictures of the same person.Face recognition technology cannot be experimented on a real life situation. It would be more than a risk. It would have been a mistake.Barnaby Feder of the New York Times also mentioned that this technology was quite a promisin g piece against terrorism. However, their tests also failed. The technology experienced difficulty. On the other hand, there are establishments who already use the technology in question, like casinos.It was mentioned in the article that face recognition technology could be a requirement in more establishments in the future. Unfortunately, with the presense of skeptisms and flawed eperiments, producers of this technology are yet to mark their points in history.They are inproving over the years, but they have not come up with the technology that will find perfectly match the face of a person to the database, and therefore a suspicious person or a criminal. Alice Lipowicz of Washington Technology wrote that the technology failed in another experiment at the Super Bowl in 2001.When the technology was used, it came out with too many false positives that they immediately called the experiment a total failure.Another argument against this technology is brought about by the fact that this has great potential for misuse and abuse. Given that the people are being viewed by a camera and objectively scrutinized by the system and database, one person is studied and judged by it. Furthermore, it is not only the faces that these cameras capture.It also captures the actions that these people are doing. That is not the purpose of the technology, but because the system is trying to ID everyone who could match a certain culprit, this technology is overlooking the essense of the person’s actions.He is judged by his face and actions when he shouldn’t be judged at all. He shouldn’t even be watched by another person who might have biases and prejudices. This, by itself, is an ethical question: should these people be watched? Who are watching them?Lipowicz also mentioned that the technology is crawling close to becoming unethical. The article mentioned that when drivers are given their license, their pictures are taken into a face recognition database and used f or future investigative purposes.Before these people are even able to know about investigations their names and faces are already part of the system for scrutiny and matching. This becomes a question in people’s minds because it can be related to intrusive surveillance and tracking, as mentioned in the same article. This means that even if the people are not involved, because of the technology, they are made involved in the system.Unfortunately, this is still an expanding research as the technology is updated and organizations, especially the government, make use of it. Despite the concern on people’s privacy, perhaps they opted to choose the larger purpose of its creation: the safety of the people against terror. Those who are trying to protect the people should consider this: who are they protecting?From whom are they protecting these people? Why are they protecting these people? If their tools would be objective in detecting the faces of these suspicious people, the n their objectives as human beings should be objective as well. Are they judging the person based on what they see on screen?Are they judging them based on the name on which that face matches? If the face and name was ill matched, should they still be judged? Perhaps when those behind the cameras, with the database at hand, are able to answer this, then they should be able to bring brighter light to the situation.Furthermore, this technology captures people’s faces and identities without the consent or knowledge of the person. It is always important, as it is ethical, for a person to be told that he or she is going to be watched. Although doing this gives potential to a change in their behavior while being watched, the people should always be told when the cameras are on them.The reason behind giving the consent is that the people should agree that they are being watched for the benefit of everyone’s safety. They should be informed of their objectives, like finding the terrorist among the crowd. In relation to their right to privacy, they should be able to act upon their wish without being judged by it.In a crowd, they could be on a phone call or talking with a friend, and those actions may bare negative implications depending on how those behind the cameras are looking at them.This is also to prevent the possibility of having those observations used for something else. As mentioned earlier, this technology has the potential for misuse and abuse. Just because these people are able to retrieve information via these cameras does not mean that they should freely use these.If the information is to be compared to another set retrieved from another location, then the person is objectified—overlooking the fact that he is human and unique from everybody else. Stereotyping, biases and prejudices could rise and add greater problems to the technology, despite its already faulty results in finding terrorists.Last, in today’s rampant pace, techn ology never comes cheaply. By the description of the technology alone, one is given the hint of how much it could cost. There are no exact digits for the curious mind, but there is an implied amount.The technology is able to measure, study, compare and match random faces to those already in the database. The scrutinizing process by which this technology aimed to protect the people could be very extensive that one could only think about the many brilliant minds that worked together to create the prototype. Although the technology is not yet full proof, it is still expensive.In this light, if the technology is not yet at its best, why should anyone make use of it? Although attached with the package is the promise that they could be safer, the disadvantages still seemes to outweight its benefits. As mentioned in this article, face recognition technology is still a growing study.To prematurely use it, while simultaneously paying a high amount for it, would not allow the technology to fu lfill its promise—like of any product: the output worthy of the amount.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Chef Charlie Trotter

Science, and turned him into a food. Even though, with the help of his roommate, Chef discovered a passion for cooking, he still graduated with a degree in Political Science. Obtaining a degree in Political Science didn't mean much anymore to Chef Trotter, since he grew fond of cooking, so he went to further is education in the world of Culinary Arts. He went to school an additional five years chasing his new found dream. He worked and studied in Chicago, Florida, Europe, and San Francisco where he attended California Culinary Academy.The more knowledge he gained the more his drive to become a chef grew stronger. In 1987 Chef Trotter opened his first restaurant in Chicago which was simply called â€Å"Charlie Trotter's†. This was his most famous restaurants, winning him many awards. For over two decades â€Å"Charlie Trotter's† was known as the best fine dining experience not only in America but also the world. He and his restaurants made Asian fusion well known or some would say what it is today. Chef Trotter also opened â€Å"Trotter's To Go†.This was a high end, ell known delicatessen and catering shop in the heart of Chicago. His restaurants were known for being â€Å"the best†. He was the â€Å"Midas Man†, every place that bared his name was turned into gold. In 2008 he opened â€Å"Restaurant Charlie† and â€Å"Bar Charlie† both located in the bright lights of Alas Vegas and both were equally successful. Beyond his culinary status, Chef Trotter was also known for a giving heart. He was involved in many charities, one being his own which is called â€Å"Charlie Trotter Culinary Education Foundation†.To gain support Chef would host weekly inner for high school students and underwritten annual fund-raising dinners for the foundations. Chef Trotter has been recognized in the culinary world. He has been awarded the James Bearded Outstanding chef award in 1999. He was also invited to the White House where President Bush and Colic Powell presented him with an award of being one out five â€Å"heroes† for his work in his foundation. All the awards were leading to the biggest of them all, the induction of the Culinary Hall Of Fame in 2013. This made Chef Trotter the 57th inductee.Unfortunately, Chef was found dead, by his son Dylan, at his home in Lincoln Park, IL on November 5th 2013. After being rushed to hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival. The corner reports it was due to a stroke. His death saddened the culinary world but his life made the world proud. Works Cited Rosemary Regina Cobol, Jeremy Corner, Phil Vetted and Mark Carr, Tribune Reporters Star Chef. Com, Chef Charlie Trotter of Charlie Trotter's – Biography Worldviews. Org, World's Top 50 Restaurants 2007 Camp, David, â€Å"Charlie Trotter, a Leader Left Behind†

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Impact of Media in Socialization

Impact of Media in Socialization Effects of the Media How can the media teach responsible behaviours such as decision-making? The current and almost inevitable behaviour involves periodical flipping of channels using a remote control to find a suitable program. People learn both beneficial and negative practices from the media. Children learn some languages or slangs from the media, and this end up influencing their communication behaviours even in future undertakings.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of Media in Socialization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The themes and issues such as drama, violence, sex and music are common implications. Children are therefore prone to stereotyping and deceiving information about the world, particularly due to their innocence. People need to realize that socialization is a developmental process whereby the individual encounters others or earthly resources and they enable him/her to be socially a cceptable into specific settings. Social acceptance is a continual and ever dynamic procedure, throughout the entire lifetime. Lack of social control causes personal life to lacks proper meaning. Surroundings and experiences are the main determinants or the agents of socialization, which are the world’s main influences. These controls depend on exposure, and thus the positive or negative impacts on individuals. The media is one of the agents that have nearly permanent effect on people social lifestyles because of its manipulative style of shaping the society (Nash, 2010). The media consumes the behavioural pattern of many and mostly the youth. Although not intentional, teenagers easily pick the bad influences from the media in their urge of finding identity in the society. Sometimes the bad influences include bragging to the peers. When the family setting has a strong foundation on good influences, the teenager has ability to resist media pressure. Peer exposure has great p ressure than the family influences, but exposures to the media can cause different experiences, which are both great and influential to proper growth as well as social demolishing. Exposure to media influences is sociological because it determines if one is in a position to venture into future relationships without considering the experiences, or attracting more negative influences.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More State of the Media The media is dynamic and a revolution that rarely fades away from the social world. The celebrity influence is an example that is a common scenario among the youths since time in memorial. The media is equally expansive, and today it has great influence on everyone in various unique ways, regardless of the personal option or need. It has formed a big part of the social world, but people need to understand it as a manipulative too l because if one is in a position of thinking from the media point of view or aspired outcome, then understanding the system is easier. This kind of thought reduces the chances of negative influences. In close relation to Newman’s (2009) writing, childhood is not a biological but a social process of growth. This means that all children are unsecure from the media influences. Everyone is able to pick one or many aspects that are moral or immoral values of the society. A child does not need to understand the verbal interpretation to understand the description of violence from a television set. The tragic images speak bigger words. The key social values one picks from the media are evident during the socialization process, for instance the commercial implications. The media is however not set to spread good or negative influence, it acts as a manipulation tool in support of the businesses profit margins, but end up determining how the young child will socialize. The cartoon and animated images are the key determinant of the children’s actions. The media therefore distorts the morals values by influencing on people to take up what it portrays. Parental role Do the parents or guardians bother to check on the movie or program ratings? Young people are often curious of negative aspects such as alcohol, and thus the common definition of the teenage years being a time of experimenting and seeking novelty. Conducted survey indicates that scenes of alcohol and tobacco abuse are a common phenomenon in most programs and movies today (Kendall, 2006). As a result, at least half or more of the teenagers try out alcohol during the teenager stage, and nearly all have tried before reaching the legal age. â€Å"These days the youth show higher rates or percentage of alcohol problems as opposed to the older age groups† (Browne, 2009). This is a social problem mainly influenced through the media.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of Media in Socialization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Vulnerability to the media The brain may be more vulnerable to social pressure or discomforts due to sensitivity. These social effects can bring about pleasurable social experiences such as negative engagement, as one seeks better expectations. The effects of the media on the mind are enormous. In the studies of media influences by Partrick (2008), characteristically, people have a diminished sensitivity to influences because the hormones also play a vital role in decisions. According to Partrick (2008), â€Å"people have novelty to seek and promote competitiveness socially.† The production of hormones promotes human action, because the original occurrences on the media influence their social approvals. Effects of the media on growth and development Social, emotional, behavioural, physical and cognitive growths are very important aspects influencing social behaviou r. Analysis of some developmental life-span stages indicates the possibility of determining influences brought about by the media. There are unique kind of behavioural pattern to expect after a distinctive episode on the media, thus the need to suggest developmental concerns and appropriate actions. Human beings have to make decisions based on the challenges at hand. They face many disputes such as inevitable physical changes and parental or peer pressure especially over making decisions on impulsive activities (Kendall, 2006). These transitional issues are of critical concerns regarding identity, choices, self-esteem and emotional development. Their appearance to others is equally an important issue; because of they believe that everyone has unique problems, and all the public attention focuses particularly upon these issues. People often face the challenges of discovering their identity in terms of vocation, relationship, sexuality, gender, life interests, personality, culture a nd most importantly parental background (Kendall, 2006). Abusive media may cause conflicts, because of the need to find a desirable social lifestyle or freedom, especially during the emotionally stressing moments. Conclusion Pressure from the media should serve the role of determining and moulding the right character in a person. This is arguably the reason why people mainly mimic their parent’s lifestyles. Parental pressure is more often hard to resist because it is equally very hard to notice. It is therefore important to know that personal choices are very important even when the parental pressure is irresistible.Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The strongest predictor and controller of media abuse or negative influence to the social lives, particularly among the youth and children is the parent. The parents assist in defining the usage and warn on the media effects. The parental pressure relates to modelling social lifestyles. References Browne, K. (2006). Introducing Sociology for AS Level. Oxford, UK: Polity Publishers Kendall, D. (2008). Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials. Kentucky, KY: Cengage Learning Publishers Nash, K. (2010). Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics and Power. (Second Ed). Oxford, UK: John Wiley and Sons. Print Newman, D.M., (2009).Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. Los Angeles, L.A.: Pine Forge Press, Partrick, B. J. (2008). Adolescents and Risk: Making Sense of Adolescents Psychology. Praeger Publishers

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Texas State Laws on Flag Burning, Desecration

Texas State Laws on Flag Burning, Desecration In Texas, it is a misdemeanor if someone intentionally or knowingly damages, defaces, mutilates, or burns the flag of the United States or the State of Texas. A flag includes any emblem, banner, or other standard or a copy of an emblem, standard, or banner that is an official or commonly recognized depiction of the flag of the United States or of this state and is capable of being flown from a staff of any character or size but does not include a representation of a flag on a written or printed document. Source: 42.11 Analysis of the Law Texas was the source of the infamous Texas v. Johnson Supreme Court decision which upheld peoples right to burn American flags. At the time, the law made it a misdemeanor for someone to knowingly desecrate a state or national flag, where desecrate was defined as deface, damage, or otherwise physically mistreat in a way that the actor knows will seriously offend one or more persons likely to observe or discover his action. There isnt much difference between the law that was held unconstitutional in 1989 and the law which currently sits on the books in Texas. Now, as then, the crime is located not so much in the act as it is in causing negative reactions in others. You arent guilty of flag desecration in Texas if you burn a a flag and no one is offended; you only become a criminal when others take offense.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Questionaire Desgin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questionaire Desgin - Essay Example There is a complete process in questionnaire design, over which the questions to be asked are decided, the steps are: specifying the information needed, specifying the type of interviewing methods, determining the content of individual questions, designing the questions to overcome the respondents inability and unwillingness to answer, deciding upon the question structure, determining the question wordings, arranging the questions in a proper order, identifying the form and layout, reproducing the questionnaire and last as the pretesting of the questionnaire. Regarding the question's design, there are few important points need to be focused upon, as a poor design can provide a poor data. There are many types of questions such as unstructured questions that are need to be answered in own words of the respondents, they should be as minimum as possible as the respondent's time is also important and people also hesitate to provide personal information. There are structured questions as well such as multiple choice, which should be used the most, dichotomous questions, which are having only two answers "yes" and "no" or even "don't know", they also should be used frequently to save respondents time and making it easier for the respondent to answer.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

International Business Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Business Practices - Essay Example The penetration of the company into the global market is facilitated by its market entry strategy which is licensing. When deciding to expand its market, Coca-cola sells a domestic firm the right to use the company's manufacturing process, trademark patent, trade secret, and other item of value for a fee or royalty. The organizational structure of Coca-cola is highly decentralized. The company does this by "cutting half of the staff at its Atlanta headquarters and moving the regional chieftains closer to their local market" (Organizational Structure 2003). This management structure is observed throughout the firm's international operation. In India, the managers have been given the authority to implement decision within their scope of responsibility. This type of organizational structure supports the primary market entry strategy of Coca-cola as discussed above. Since licensing involves little contact and interference with the licensee, the decentralized organizational structure is very conducive to Coca-cola. Dell, Inc. is one of the largest personal computer manufacturers in the world. The company was able establish in the global IT industry because of its very efficient market entry strategy. In capturing foreign markets, Dell directly invest in a country by developing foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facility.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compensation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Compensation - Case Study Example Majority of accountants are bachelor’s degree holders while product managers are masters graduates. Moreover, most managers have a higher experience of between 10-15 years while accountants have only an average experience of 2-5 and 5-10 years. Stock options are offered by firms as means of compensation for lower salaries. Given the above mentioned jobs, companies do not include stock options as benefits on top of the salaries offered. This is because the salaries offered by the organizations are high enough for the professions. The job descriptions vary for the different professions. Accountant III is responsible for preparation of balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and preparation of other financial reports in the organization. Other tasks include analysis of business trends for costs, revenues, obligations and commitments. The financial analyst is responsible for compiling necessary financial information for an organization. Some of the important information includes preparation of analyses of revenues and expenses projections, reports and presentations to the firm. He/she is also required to prepare financial reports of organizations including forecasting and reconciliation of internal accounts. Product manager in a bank is on the contrary responsible for marketing products of the bank and ensuring that the bank makes profits. These job descriptions are what I expected and once I attain the required credentials, I would apply for the job (Dundon & Rollinson, 2007). The comparison of the compensation at salary.com for the professions with local/regional compensation reveals that the compensation offered by the local career office are lower than the compensation offered by salary.com. The reason for this could be due to lower responsibilities for jobs at the regional level, demotions, working in small companies compared to large multinationals and jobs being offered at the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What Was the Chicano Movement?

What Was the Chicano Movement? To some of us the Chicano Movement was a period of time where historians describe as a civil rights movement. Although the Chicano Movement has open many opportunities for different cultures and ethnicity to be acknowledged, it s a fight that well always be remembered in history. What made is era between 1960s to1970s so special, is that it opens many public viewers on the Spanish community and all the obstacles that Mexican-Americans had to encountered. This gives Americans a chance to understand other peoples cultures. Society has portray America as the land of the free, but looking back at the past many different ethnicities and different skin color people had to go from end to end encountering numerous suffering and pain in order to have the freedom they do today. Taking into consideration that some people today still take the Chicano Movement in vein, failing to understand its impact. Although at the heat of the battle many Mexican-Americans gave up hope and faith in their community. In spite of this, there is still some Latinos left that was willing to fight until the end. A man that believes in what is justified and moral; and that man is Cesar Chavez. The Chicano Movement inCalifornia started in the 1960s when Cesar Chavez led the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. He organized the farm workers in the central valley of California. Chavezs main strategy for the farm worker was to focus most his ideas into the strikes, boycotts, and committing himself not use violence, and the importance of having faith and praying to achieve his goal. Not only was Cesar Chavez a big influence to the Mexican community, other organizations such M.E.cH.A, and New Raza Left had a major impact too. M.E.cH.A, (Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) is an organization that search for and help students from high school and colleges understand the importance of Mexican-Americans culture. On the other hand, the New Raza Left was an organization that helps the Latinos community. The purpose of this organization is to close the issues in California to the anti-immigration Proposition 187, as well ass the anti-affirmative action Proposition 209, and the anti-bilingual education Proposition 227. Importantly this organization has help fought against colleges and universities that refused to educated the mistreating of different ethnic such as; Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans and African-Americans. In the spirit of the Chicano Movement it help colleges and universities to have an open mind on a higher level of education that led to the foundation of the Chicano studies. During the 1960s until now many Mexican Americans has fought their heart out to have the right to be treated as an equal, not gather than or less than any human being. Part of the Chicano Movement was to create a mixture of educational goals, cutbacks on school dropout rate, improving educational achievement, and creating a bilingual-bicultural program. While the civil rights movement was reaching across the nation and over hearingMartin Luther king non-violent protest, other ethnicity groups saw a chance to stand up and doing something for their community. Which led into aLos Angeles high school blowout in 1968. At the students walkout protest in Lincoln High School and Roosevelt the Los Angeles police officers brutally attacking several students for blocking a fire exit. During this big blow out young Mexican-Americans got to witness their peers fighting for a change. They also got to experience how the Latinos community was not respected and treated as second-rate citizens. On an interview, Rosales stated, remembers that farm workers were thought of as ignorant, lazy, stupid, and dirty. In another segment, a second interviewee recalls that being Mexican was a burden(Chicano; History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement). The Chicano movement has indeed affected and help changed California to what it is today, it was every cultural as well a following movement helping to create a new global cultural of different individuality. The time has come for the American people to learn about the civil/human rights struggle that minorities had to face. What is now consider a mistake in the past, is knowledge to the future that will help young students open their eyes to greater understanding of different ethnicities. Without the Chicano Movement, young Mexican-American would not understand the value of their freedom. Whereas, in todays world many of us are free to live among any different nationalities. The reason we have this freedom, is because of all the hard works that our ancestors had to go through in order for this generation to not suffer the same pain they went through. In todays education it is more rounded, meaning that in school, professors/teachers have to teach about the past history, like different cultures, religions races and etc. However, back in the 1960s many students did not get the education students have today. In a chronicle Art Fights the Power written by Sam Martian talks about a young boy (Malaquis Montoya) that also fought through the civil rights movement and was also a big part in the Chicano Movement. Like the rest of the Latinos community, struggling to live in the society of racism and discrimination. Although life was rough for Montoya he soon later get into University of Berkeley and become s professor at Davis. The government was finally beginning to recognize the problems that were being brought into the mainstream of society. People that were not of Mexican descent were shown what was happening in other social and economic groups. Local organizations gained strength and many started to campaign together in an attempt to raise public awareness. Education was at the top of this organizations priority list. People actively involved in the movement saw the need for a change in the system that for so long satisfied a narrow-minded society. There are several events that initially sparked the kindling of the Chicano Movement. The huge outcry by lower-middle class Mexican citizens was publicized more as people began to take action. These actions were not always legal or morally justified, but they did show the power behind the movement. The public saw many acts of violence against policemen and white businessmen. These acts were often the only thing seen by the general public, due in part to the press. There was much more to the movement than just this, however. Education for Mexican-Americans, or Chicanos, was something that was fought long and hard for. Years of oppression and social inequality were ingredients for an unpleasant time of protest, and violence, and incriminating actions. For many years, Chicanos in California and the Southwest had to deal with segregation, police brutality, and unlawful convictions. The children were thought of as future laborers so they werent taught with the same standards as other children. There was an ongoing struggle with Chicanos all over the country along with the African-Americans who felt cheated in similar ways to gain the civil rights that the Anglos had. These actions were eventually brought to the attention of The Supreme Court and overturned and set new standards for the events to come. The 1960s were a time of movement and struggle for the Chicanos in the United States. Chicano students felt that they were being deprived their education and that it was becoming a big problem. This had been the first time that they had actually begun making actions since there were some in college, and they realized that what was being done was unfair. High school students had begun to talk and begun to plan their walkouts. They had many reasons to Many schools that were predominantly made up of Mexican Americans, as well as African American were funded less than the Anglo schools of other areas. In Texas in 1970, Mexican American schools only received 3/5 of the Federal appropriations that Euro American schools were receiving. In Bexar County, a poor Chicano district, with five times less property value than the Euro American district, received less state aid per pupil than its wealthier Euro American neighbor. (Acuna, 413) The Chicanos realized that without educational equality, access to higher education was impossible. So once again, as in other instances, the people took it to the courts. This time there was more than one case involved in gaining progress. In 1968, the first case was Serrano v. Priest where John Serrano Jr. sued the California state treasurer on the grounds that his son received an inferior education in East Los Angeles because of the of the local property taxes financed the local schools. The argument was that the poor districts did not receive as much funds as the wealthier ones and in turn, the students were given the unequal treatment. He was trying to prove that money equaled education. As a result of Serrano taking his case to the Supreme Court, the court ruled in favor of Serrano stating that Californias school districts violated the state Constitutions equal protection clause by denying equal access to education. In a similar case, San Antonio School District v. Rodriguez, filed in 1968, the Supreme Court found that the U.S. Constitution did not include equal education as a fundamental right.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Women, Beauty and Self-Esteem Essay -- Body Image & Self Esteem

Ambrose Bierce (1958) once wrote, â€Å"To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he wears? But woman’s body is the woman.† Despite the societal changes achieved since Bierce’s time, his statement remains true. Since the height of the feminist movement in the early 1970s, women have spent more money than ever before on products and treatments designed to make them beautiful. Cosmetic sales have increased annually to reach $18 billion in 1987 (â€Å"Ignoring the economy. . . ,† 1989), sales of women’s clothing averaged $103 billion per month in 1990 (personal communication, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1992), dieting has become a $30-billion-per-year industry (Stoffel, 1989), and women spent $1.2 billion on cosmetic surgery in 1990 (personal communication, American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, 1992). The importance of beauty has apparently increased even as women are reaching for personal freedoms and economic rights undreamed of by our grandmothers. The emphasis on beauty may be a way to hold onto a feminine image while shedding feminine roles. Attractiveness is prerequisite for femininity but not for masculinity (Freedman, 1986). The word beauty always refers to the female body. Attractive male bodies are described as â€Å"handsome,† a word derived from â€Å"hand† that refers as much to action as appearance (Freedman, 1986). Qualities of achieve ­ment and strength accompany the term handsome, such attributes are rarely employed in the description of attractive women and certainly do not accom ­pany the term beauty, which refers only to a decorative quality. Men are instru ­mental, women are ornamental. Beauty is a most elusive commodity. Ideas of what is beautiful vary across cultures and change ... .... Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 10, 129-38. Stoffel, Jennifer. (1989, November 26). What’s new in weight control: A market mushrooms as motivations change. New York Times, p. C17. Thompson, J. Kevin. (1986, April). Larger than life. Psychology Today, pp. 41-44. Walker, Alice. (1990). Beauty: When the other dancer is the self. In Evelyn C. White (Ed.), The black women’s health book: Speaking for ourselves (pp. 280-87). Seattle: Seal Press. Walster, Elaine, Aronson, Vera, Abrahams, Darcy, & Rottman, Leon. (1966). Importance of physical attractiveness in dating behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4, 508-16. Wernick, Mark, & Manaster, Guy J. (1984). Age and the perception of age and attractiveness. Gerontologist, 24, 408-14. Williams, Juanita H. (1985). Psychology of women: Behavior in a biosocial context. New York: Norton.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

1920’s the KKK Essay

The 1920’s marked a period of great racial tension throughout American Society, with the period often regarded as a melting pot due to such strains and tensions. The immigration of new, non-protestant immigrants such as Catholics and Jews since the turn of the century had brought about large scale unease due to the sheer number of immigrants. Combined with Mexicans, Orientals as well as a rapidly growing black population, these minority groups were to suffer at the hands of those concerned with the values of White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, with these values playing a fundamental role in the American way of life. Arguably, the Ku Klux Klan was formed concerning a culmination of such values, allowing for the tolerance of racist views within the media, literature alongside within formal organisations. Its popularity and influence stemmed from its appeal, which was broadened from blacks to incorporate the views of those who disliked immigrants, catholics, jews, bootleggers etc. Ultimately the KKK’s increase in popularity in the early 1920’s resulted in its influence. It can be argued that the KKK possessed both sizable support and significant influence due to its popular revival subsequent to WW1, with this having a notable popular impact well into the 1920s. The growing spirit of intolerance which spread across much of America became apparent due to the wartime revival of the the Ku Klux Klan. The organisation was remodeled and reorganised with new techniques used by both Edgar Clark and Elizabeth Taylor in order to sell the Klan to America. A key reason for its rise in popularity came as a result of D.W Griffiths film ‘The Birth of A Nation’ of 1915, due to the fact that it idolised and highlighted previous american values, and although those portrayed in the film were outdated, many americans were reminded of a ‘better america.’ This ultimately increased hatred towards blacks and black american due to an alteration in attitudes, with this film resulting in the view that the American way of life was threatened, with this blame placed upon Negroes, Catholics, Atheists, Bootleggers, Jews and immigrants as a whole. Ultimately, Griffiths film provided a form of ammunition towards those who were not white, anglo-saxon protestants, thus allowing for the ideology of the KKK to become more populous and apparent throughout much of American Society. The group emphasised the notion of 100% Americanism, thus appeal to those who classed themselves as protestant fundamentalists as well as those who believed the traditional moral values reflected in Griffiths film were a key element of American society due to the overwhelming feeling of invasion and being inundated, stimulating a desire to restore the America they knew and loved. Furthermore, it can be argued that the roots of the Klan were based in the small towns and communities of the Southern states of the Confederacy, thus proving a popular support base through states such as Tennessee and Alabama. The ideology of the party appealed to those who has gone against the abolition of slavery and the libration of blacks, which arose from a sense apparent within rural protestant america in order to act on the defensive before an influx of new immigrants was allowed into the country. This ideology, combined with the war, fed the growth of support for the Klan. The war engendered a form of nationalism, sparking hatred towards those to were not seen as true Americans. This appeal, and popularity was highlighted by the Klans popularity in 1921, which stimulated the development of a structure for the Klan due to the rapid growth in the number of members joining. The movement had 100,000 members, which were each pare of a Klavern, or branch, of the Klan. Furthermore, due to the fact that the KKK’s appeal was mainly sited in the Southern states, where the majority of black people lived, and the powerful idea of ‘white supremacy’ went unquestioned, attempts were made to broaden the Klan’s appeal to the western and northern states, where Catholics and Jews became the targets. Throughout the 1920†²s the Klan’s membership saw an increase, estimates at the time ranged from 3-5 million and profits rolled in from the sale these memberships, regalia, costumes and rituals. The Ku Klux Klan used intimidation, threats, beating and even murder in their quest for a â€Å"purified America†, thus appealing to many Americans due to their proactive approach, which had not been mirrored by that of the republican government during the period. An example of such influence is the alleged election of governors in Maine, Colorado and Louisiana who had KKK support. Additionally, the Klan arguably aimed to defend the American way, reflecting fear amongst many Americans who feared the emergence of more radical, especially socialist ideas, which had spread from Eastern Europe due to the influx of immigrants during the early 20th Century. The Red Scare is a key proponent of this fear, thus providing the perfect breeding ground for bigotry. Many Americans had either witnessed, or heard of the Bolshevik Russia, which was ultimate seen as a threat to the capitalist society america has formed upon. In 1919 there were 3,600 strikes involving over 400,000 workers, possibly highlighting a feeling of tension and fear amongst a considerable proportion of the population. Ultimately, this scare has proved that the KKK was a defender of such ideology, considerably suggesting that the Klan prospered in areas along sides small communities which had been formed by early pioneers where fears regarding different ethnic groups, religions, political ideas and cultural taste were ever apparent. Due to certain areas regarding these fears, those of farmers, artisans and shopkeepers of small-town america were also addressed, consequently resulting in an increase in popularity leading to the KKK having roughly 5 million members by 1925. Furthermore, membership was not simply restricted to the poor, downtrodden American population who felt marginalised, but also increasingly involved middle classes citizens. Equally it was not exclusively a rural, southern organisation, due to the fact that there were drastic increased in membership from north and central states such as Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. In many locations the local police seemed Klan-dominated, with judges also not remaining to seem impartial. Arguably therefore this suggests that the post-war revival of the Klan led to a drastic increase in the number of members, thus gaining support and influence as an increase in the number of members an organisation has ultimately leads to a greater support base within a population, thus representing a larger number of the population making it more influential as a consequence. Moreover, the influence of the KKK continued to grow throughout the early 1920s as the the Federal Government did little to alleviate poverty and socio-economic disadvantage amongst the rural population, instead focusing interest and funds on urban locations such as New York where a considerable number of immigrants and blacks were focused. Although there were rare instances where President Warren Harding spoke out against racial segregation, for example in Birmingham, Alabama, many have argued that he did so primarily to win the electoral support of northern blacks. One historian even claimed that Harding had been inducted into the Ku Klux Klan in the White House during his presidency. Moreover the various administrations throughout the twenties seemed to condone racial discrimination. A half-hearted attempt to introduce an anti-lynching law in 1921 was defeated, with Southern Senators using a range of tactics to prevent the legislation from being passed. Despite acknowledging the issue of lynching in his first address to Congress in 1923, Coolidge subsequently did not act on the problem. Moreover, on the 18th August 1925 the Ku Klux Klan was able to stage a 40,000 man parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C with no intervention from state officials. Furthermore, the segregated facilities in government buildings introduced in the first decade of the century remained unchanged. The fact that the American government during the twenties was seen to be continually ignoring and avoiding issues related to ethnic minorities did not help to improve the hostile attitudes of its people, thus allowing for the KKK to gain a larger support base from which it could increase its influence. However, the influence of the KKK varied geographically to a considerable degree. In its peak year of 1925 around 40% of its members were based in three states; Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Furthermore, another 25% were found in the old south. Conversely in states along the pacific coast such as New England (except Maine), the KKK was relatively irrelevant. Although its point of greatest popular political influence was at the 1924 Democratic Convention, highlighting its influence at the very top, the representatives of the KKK in the form of Senators and Congressmen simply represented a pocket in the Deep South. Therefore, it can be argued that the KKK did not achieve notable influence on a national level. Instead, it was simply one among many pressure groups supporting prohibition and restriction upon immigration. Furthermore, although those groups discriminated against were classed as ‘ethnic minorities’ as a whole they represented a considerable proportion of the population. Surely, the KKK could not have notable influence if a large proportion of the US population did not agree with its ideology, and were instead being attacked and victimised? The racial discrimination towards ethnic minorities during the twenties highlighted the lack of popularity amongst many regarding the KKK. Blacks, Mexicans, and the recent immigrants clustered as the bottom of the wage scale. All were usually the last hired and the first fired and performed menially jobs. Mexicans were employed as cheap labour on Californian farms. Wherever the minorities worked the ‘native’ Americans saw them as a threat to their livelihood, as they normally accepted jobs that the whites did not want. Despite emancipation from slavery after the Civil War, the former slaves remained at the bottom of the social scale in the southern states, where the majority of blacks lived. Many were lacking economic independence, since they largely worked in white-owned land. Many poverty stricken Blacks migrated from the south to the north during the twenties, to fill the demand for unskilled labour in the North. Although this spread some KKK ideology Northwards the popularity of the KKK remained relatively low due to higher levels of assimilation within the North. Therefore it can be argued that although in many areas of the USA popularity for the KKK rose during the early 1920’s, its popularity was limited to various geographical areas. Furthermore, even though popularity for the organisation increased, this did not necessarily lead to an increase in influence. Yes, in some states KKK members found their way into the legal system, or in states such as Indiana some became Senators and Congressmen. However, the sharp fall from popularity of the organisation suggests a lack of overwhelming support and belief within the party. The fall of David Stephenson, the gGrand Dragon of Indiana Klans and Governor of the state, highlighted a lack of true ideals amongst leaders of the KKK. Surely if an organisation was to succeed and gain influence those at the top of its hierarchy needed to support all beliefs? Stephenson was convicted of rape of a 28 year old secretary on an overnight train, thus going against protestant concepts. Ultimately this showed numerous characteristics far removed from ideals publicly espoused This, combined with financial scandals within other Klans has led to a sharp fall in membership by 1930, to a figure of roughly 200,000. This meant that the Klan were no longer a player on the national state, losing all significant influence and support. However, despite this sharp decline in popularity in 1929/1930, the support and more importantly the tolerance that many American people showed for the Ku Klux Klan during the twenties serves as evidence to show that attitudes towards ethnic minorities had been very much altered, thus allowing for the Klan to capitalise on this widespread ideology in order to gain some support an influence in a handful of states, which were typically confederate.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Dreamer Essay

Bharati Mukherjee’s essay about an â€Å"American Dreamer† was brought across with a strong positive point which I agreed with for the most part. After reading over her essay numerous times I finally got a hold of what she was trying to get across to the reader. On one hand she explains that she admires the bill of rights and what our nation was founded upon. I think a lot of people would agree with this considering how far our nation has got with it, but then again you have those who oppose. On the other hand she expresses how she feels about being called Indian-American. The way she conveys her opinion about it makes me want to agree with her more. Her writing is very persuasive and I have to say I not only agree with her because opinion, but for the reason that if I were to go to another country, and have to work as hard as she did to become a legalized citizen. Another thing were on the same page on is having to put a hyphenated status even after becoming a fully legalized citizen. Mukherhee comparison of her culture to the United States was interesting to me. I have never seen a person express how much they value their cultures strict laws and regulations. This makes me think about how I take advantage of all the great things my country has to offer. She described her culture clearly and one of the things that lingered in my head was that the parents chose who you married. This made me grateful of the many freedoms I have in my country also. America has a lot to offer but the main reason people migrate to United States is because of the freedom. I can understand why they decide to come here, but I have always wondered why you don’t see Americans migrating to other countries as much. There are many reasons they don’t go and I comprehend them, but if there was freedom in those countries I question would it be different. Over the past twenty-five years twenty million people have migrated to the United States from other countries. That is a vast amount and it makes me speculate if that amount continues to increase will we be overpopulated in the years to come. I think America should start limit the amount of people that desire to become Americans, and start to clean out the immigrants who have decided to not be responsible and become legal citizens. I am not saying this to be racist or defrading, but I am stating this because people who come to America illegally take a lot of what our great country has to offer and use it like it was in there possession already. For example I have head of many illegal immigrants that come to America and obtain free medical care and welfare checks that our taxes pay for. All I inquire is that they become legal and not take what our great country has to offer and take advantage of it. That is my personal view of the subject though I found myself having almost the same view point as Mukherjee. This issue about any hyphenated status as an American is a controversial one, but Bharati Mukherjee has a point and it needs to be heard. After working hard to become a legal citizen you shouldn’t have to hyphenate racial status. Although some might object and have a total diverse opinion I would reply with a simple suggestion to read this short essay, because it had a positive effect on me and I hope it will have the same on you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Ethics for and Against Pet Ownership

The Ethics for and Against Pet Ownership Because of pet overpopulation, just about all animal welfare activists would probably agree that we should spay and neuter our cats and dogs. But there would be some disagreement if you were to ask whether we should breed cats and dogs if all the shelters were empty and there were good, loving homes available. Animal industries such as the fur industry and factory farms try to discredit animal protection groups by claiming that activists want to take people’s pets away. While some animal rights activists do not believe in keeping pets, we can assure you that no one wants to take your dog away from you - as long as youre treating it well. Arguments for Pet Ownership Many people consider their pets to be members of the family and thus treat them with love and respect. Oftentimes, this feeling appears to be mutual, as dog and cat pets seek out their owners to play, pet or invite them into their laps. These animals provide unconditional love and devotion - to deny them and us this relationship seems unthinkable to some. Also, keeping pets is a much more humane way for them to live as opposed to  factory farms, animal testing labs or circuses use and abuse the animals. However, thanks to regulations passed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture like the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, even these animals are entitled to a basic quality of life as sentient beings.   Still, even the Humane Society of the United States argues that we should keep our pets - according to one official statement pets are creatures with whom we share a world, and we rejoice in their companionship; you dont have to anthropomorphize to recognize that the feelings are returned...let us be close and cherish each other always.   The vast majority of animal activists advocate spaying and neutering. However, most will say that the reason is the millions of cats and dogs who are killed in shelters every year, as opposed to any basic opposition to the keeping of pets. Arguments Against Pet Ownership On the other side of the spectrum, some animal activists argue that we should not keep or breed pets regardless of whether we have an overpopulation problem - there are two basic arguments that support these claims. One argument is that cats, dogs, and other pets suffer too much at our hands. Theoretically, we may be able to provide good homes for our pets, and many of us do. However, in the real world, animals suffer abandonment, cruelty, and neglect. Another argument is that even on a theoretical level, the relationship is inherently flawed and we are unable to provide the full lives that these animals deserve. Because they are bred to be dependent on us, the basic relationship between humans and companion animals is flawed because of the difference in power. A sort of Stockholm syndrome, this relationship forces animals to love their owners in order to get affection and food, oftentimes neglecting their animal nature to do so. The animals rights activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) opposes keeping pets, partially for this reason. An official statement on their website states that animals lives are restricted to human homes where they must obey commands and can only eat, drink and even urinate when humans allow them to. It then goes on to list common mistreatments of these house pets including declawing cats, not cleaning litter boxes and scolding any creature to get off the furniture or hurry up on its walk. A Happy Pet Is a Good Pet to Have The opposition to keeping pets must be distinguished from a call to release domesticated animals. They are dependent on us for their survival and it would be cruel to turn them loose on the streets or in the wilderness. The position must also be distinguished from any desire to take anyone’s dogs and cats away. We have a duty to take care of the animals who are already here, and the best place for them is with their loving and caring human guardians. This is why animal rights activists who oppose keeping pets might have rescued pets themselves. Activists who oppose keeping pets believe that domestic animals should not be allowed to breed. The animals who are already here should live long, healthy lives, cared for with love and respect by their human guardians. As long as the pet is happy and lives a life of love without undue suffering, for most people, animal rights and welfare activists alike, pets are definitely fine to have!