Sunday, December 8, 2019

Creative thinking and Problem-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Creative thinking and Problem as Important part of the Design Process. Answer: Introduction: Creative thinking and problem solving is considered as important part of the design process, which help in turning the ideas into innovation and also remove the barriers occurred in the way of creativity[1]. Various techniques are used for creative thinking such as reversed brainstorming, Hursons thinking model, the six hats of critical thinking, etc. but the most successful technique is SCAMPER. This technique is the easiest and direct method, and it is based on the idea that every new thing is actually a modification of the existing old things[2]. This paper states the innovative ideas related to lunch box by using the SCAMPER technique, and different ideas are created for each letter. This paper is divided into two sections; first section defines the innovative idea related to lunch box by using Scamper and second task states the recommendation related to the best idea. Lastly, paper is concluded with brief conclusion. About Scamper: SCAMPER was originated by the Bob Eberle for the purpose of solving the targeted questions which mainly help in resolving the issues or encourage creativity during the brainstorming meetings. SCAMPER is referred as seven techniques which stand for (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse. These words define the important questions, and these questions are stated below[3]: Substitute: This technique mainly focus on the parts of the product, service or solution that be replaced with another. In other words, attendants of meeting mainly focus on the decisions which replaced part of the process with another process. Following are some questions which are asked: What material or resources can be substitute or replaced for the purpose of improving the product? What other type of product or process can be used? What rules can be replaced? Whether it is possible to use this product for some other purpose or as a substitute for something else? What will happen in case feelings or attitude towards the product is changed?[4] Lunch box is considered as small container which is used for packing and carrying the food. In historical times, metal is used for manufacturing the lunch box but with changing time it is substituted with plastic and steel. There are various new materials and resources which can be used for manufacturing the lunch box. Some ideas related to this method are stated below: Plastic and steel can be substituted with the soft insulated polyester versions because it is easy to fit such type of lunch box in the bags. Polyester provides new designs and formats of the lunch box and it also used for manufacturing the lunch bags which carry different containers of food and other items. One more substitute for lunch box material is wood and it is possible to create innovative and better designs from wood. It is very simple to shape the wood in different manners because of which manufacturers can make innovations in the designs of the lunch box which makes lunch box more feasible and attractive. Combine: This technique focus on evaluation of merging the two ideas, stages of the process or product in one single output which is more efficient. There are number of cases in which combination of two innovative ideas can result in two innovative product or technology. Discussions related to combine strategy include following questions: Whether it is possible to merge two steps of the process? Whether it is possible to apply two different processes at the similar time? Whether it is possible to combine different resources? Whether it is possible to mix two or more components? Whether it is possible to combine X and Y technology[5]? Recently one new innovation take place in lunch box that is electric heated lunch box and these lunchboxes goes beyond the design of the original lunch box. This innovation includes the simple handle and advantage for children to carry their food with them for the complete day. There are number of lunch box which are insulated, but electric lunch box provide more extra benefits as it heat the food and store it. Following are some creative ideas which can be used in this technique: It is possible to merge two techniques that are copper and other source of heat such as coal for invented the lunch box which not only heat the food but also keep it fresh. Through this combination it is possible to invent such lunch box which not only keep the food fresh but also saves the electricity. We can also combine lunch box and food processor for the purpose of making fresh food with necessary ingredients. This technique helps the users to make their fresh food whenever they want by using the necessary and required ingredients. This increases the freshness of the food and makes things easy for the user. Adapt: This technique mainly focuses on adjusting the product or service for better product. This helps in making the adjustments which deals with the minor changes to the radical changes in the complete project. It must be noted that adaptation is considered as one of the most difficult techniques which solve the issue by enhancing the existing system. Following question are discussed in this technique[6]: What changes must be made for the purpose of ensuring better results? What other changes can be done in particular task? Process to be followed for improving the existing process? How necessary adjustments can be made in the existing product? How to make the process more flexible? Lunch box is used for keeping and carrying the food in better manner, and also for keeping the food healthy for long time of period. Following are some creative ideas which can be used for ensuring better result in the process:[7] Manufacturers of lunch box must use other materials such as copper, metal, and wood for the purpose of reducing the manufacturing cost because use of plastic and polystyrene increased the cost of manufacturing and it also affects the health of the people by contaminating the food. On the other hand, copper and metal makes the food healthier and also prevent contamination. Manufacturers of lunch box can also make innovations in the shape of the lunch box such as they can attach the small containers with each other and these containers are designed as per the food requirement. This can be understood with the help of the example, square for sandwiches, bowl shape for sliced fruits, glass shape for liquid, etc. Modify: This technique mainly focuses on changing the process in such way as it result in more innovative capabilities and help in resolving issues. It involves following questions: How will modifying the process for the purpose of improving results? What if we had double base of consumer? In case market is different, what process should we adopt? Presently, lunch box can only use for carrying the food from one place to another, but by making relevant changes in this process it can be used for other purposes also. Following are some creative ideas: By making necessary changes, we can increase the size of the container and those containers can be used for storing different things in the kitchen or at any other place. We can also use the material which help in controlling the temperature of the food and preserve the food in better state[8]. Put to another use: This technique focuses on the different use of the current product, or how this product can be used for solving the existing issue. It involves following questions: Advantages of the product if used at any other place? Whether it is possible to target any other segment of the market? We can use the lunch box as mini refrigerator by combining two techniques, as this help the user to store thee food for long period of time. We can also set alarms on the lunch box which remind the user to take meal on time. Eliminate: This technique identifies the part of the process which can be eliminated for the purpose of improving the product. In the present scenario we can eliminate the excess weight of lunch box and use lighter material for manufacturing the same. For this purpose, manufacturer can eliminate the material like steel and polystyrene because both the material increases the weight of the lunch box. Manufacturers can use polystyrene for lunch boxes because this material is very light weight. Reverse: This technique considers the innovative potential while changing the order of the process in the production line. This technique answers the following questions: What would happen if we reverse the process? In which manner current status can be rearranged for better results? Lunch box are currently used for packing the food, but following changes can be made in process: Manufacturer can attach mini food making machines with the lunch box, as these machines help the user in making fresh food for the user. In this user can carry raw food in the machine which prepares instantly fresh food for users such as salad, sandwich, etc. Manufacturers can also provide facility of baking in the lunch boxes. Recommendations: Above stated section of this paper state various new and innovative ideas related to lunch box on the basis of SCAMPER technique. Every letter of this technique results in different innovation of the products. After considering the above stated ideas, it can be said that best ides is providing lunch box with time and temperature control technique. The main reason of illness caused because of food is time and temperature abuse of food. There are number of foods which required temperature control for being healthy. These foods are time and temperature abused if they kept in temperature danger zone that is 41F to 140F. Such situations occurred when food is not cooked to the temperature which is recommended, not held at proper temperature, not cooled or reheat in proper manner. If food is kept in temperature danger zone for longer period of time, there is more risk of bacteria. The main issue is how to keep the food in proper temperature because if TCS food is kept in temperature danger zone for 4 hours or more than such food is waste[9]. There are number of foods which contain food poisoning bacteria and are capable of supporting the growth of these bacteria. Such food is unsafe for consumers and can result in illness to the consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the food in proper temperature. There are number of people who face this issue in their daily life because there is no such facility in the lunch box which prevent the food from temperature danger zone. Invention of lunch box by combining two different techniques can result in lunch box which also provides the facility of temperature control of food and prevent the food from being kept in temperature danger zone[10]. Lunch box with temperature control provides the containers in which both type of temperature can be set that is hot and cool. Such containers provide the facility to adjust the temperature as per the food requirement. Presently, lunch box only provides the option to heat the food but this is not enough because some food requires low temperature and in such case food gets wasted or develops bacteria. Therefore, there is need to develop lunch box which help the consumers in controlling the temperature of their food. Therefore, lunch box with temperature control technique is the best idea. Conclusion: There are number of techniques which are used for creative thinking such as reversed brainstorming, etc. but the most successful technique is SCAMPER. This technique is the easiest and direct method, and it is based on the idea that every new thing is actually a modification of the existing old things. SCAMPER is used for the purpose of solving the targeted questions which mainly help in resolving the issues or encourage creativity during the brainstorming meetings. References: Alexis, The Many Uses of a Lunch Box,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Food Standards, Food safety standards - temperature control requirements,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Idea connection, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Innovation Portal, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Litemind, Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Mind Tools, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rafiq Elmancy, A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rikky Dam Teo Siang, Learn How to Use the Best Ideation Methods: SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. The Balance, Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. UME, Keep food safe with time and temperature control,, accessed on 12th February 2018. The Balance, Creative Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Litemind, Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Innovation Portal, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12tth February 2018. Rikky Dam Teo Siang, Learn How to Use the Best Ideation Methods: SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Mind Tools, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Rafiq Elmancy, A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Idea connection, SCAMPER,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Alexis, The Many Uses of a Lunch Box,, accessed on 12th February 2018. UME, Keep food safe with time and temperature control,, accessed on 12th February 2018. Food Standards, Food safety standards - temperature control requirements,, accessed on 12th February 2018.

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