Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cyber Bullying Essay - 663 Words

Adam Grabenhorst Mrs. Dressler English 2 15 January 2012 Cyber Bullying Peer to peer bulling is nothing new. It has been going on for generation after generation. However the times have now changed since new technology has made it possible for peers to bully one another without even having to be face to face. This form of bullying is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying†. Teens turn fun, needed devices into â€Å"weapons† through the use of social networking websites, chat rooms and text messaging and there are even more ways possible, and through this they call each other names, belittle, and threaten kids to in some serious cases, the point of suicide. I believe its important to be educated about Cyber Bullying because it will help prevent it†¦show more content†¦Most cyber bullies just dont know what it does to the victim on the other side. Educating victims about cyber bullying is one of the most important of all. The victims need to learn that it is OK to report a cyber bullying, it wont stop any other way, unless the bully gets bored which usually, is never the case. After a amount of time of getting bullied the victims confidence goes down, along with self esteem, and questions come up on, why am I alone? Victims are never alone, there will always be an adult that can help you. So far there have been around 13 million suicides cause by cyber bullying, if you thought one was too many, well try 13 million. The Cyber Bully Research Center reports that; almost every case of the suicides in of teens and adolescents thinking there is no way out, they are completely alone, and there is nothing to do about it. Well they can do something about it but even yet, Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement, and 58% of teens never even tell their parents anything about the situation. It is very important to be educated about cyber bullying because of all of the good that comes from understanding all that goes on. People being educated will save lives, help victims lives improve ten fold, it shows the bullies just what they are doing to the victims, and can preventShow MoreRelatedCyber bullying extended essay2325 Words   |  10 PagesTHE REALITY BEHIND THE CYBER WORLD: My thoughts on Cyber Bullying â€Å"Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment†. (Van, 2011). Nowadays, our world is facing different problems, issues, and concerns that people hardly realize. Some of these issues are not properly addressed by our government for there are other issues that need to be taken first of. One of these issues is cyber bullying. 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