Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Anger and Aggression Essay -- essays research papers fc

Everyone has felt anger or aggression many times in there life. It happens all of the time. We all face the same challenge of trying to control our temper. It may be easier for some people than it is for others. Many studies show that it is healthy for a person to let out their anger once in a while. They believe that it will help in your relationship with others and that it will increase your self-esteem. They also believe that holding anger in is bad and unhealthy for your body. If you let the anger build up it could go from just being a verbal argument to a point in which someone or something is hurt or destroyed. To control your anger you should release your aggression in a way that is not harmful to others or yourself. People that look into a problem more closely can control their anger better. These people get all of the facts and make a proactive decision. Also by looking into the problem your may find out that it wasn't as bad as you first thought. Looking into the probl em will also help you look at the consequences of the action you are going to take. Researchers also believe that tv and movies have an impact on the ways we release our aggression. They believe that in some way we are all influenced in some way by movies and tv shows that we watch. If we can learn to control our anger we will see that our life, and everyone else's life is a lot safer and more peaceful. Some people may ask, "What causes a person to feel angry?" There are two answers to the question. The first is that you may feel angry with yourself or something that you may have done. The second is that you may be angry at another person or object. Some people may refer to feeling angry with yourself as internal anger and anger towards another person as external anger. An example of internal anger is that you did not do as good as you wanted to do on your test. An example of external anger is getting into an argument with a friend. There are different ways of dealing with your anger. The best way is to go right to the person that you are feeling angry with and talk to them about it. Although this is the best way it may not always be an option for the situation you are in. If you are angry with yourself you should find a friend and talk to them about it and get it off your mind so you don't build up your anger. Bu... ...elp the teen control their aggressions and help them let it out in healthy ways. They can show them different ways to deal with anger. They can use prevention and try to stop the problem before it gets to far. They can also use crisis management such as a sitting down and talking about the problem with the child. Another method is time-outs this will help give the parents and the child a chance to cool down. The best method for parents is to be a good role model for the children. If they show good ways of dealing with anger their children may do the same. A parent is the person who children look up to as they are growing up. Bibliography 1. Dealing with anger 2. Dealing with anger 3. Adolescent Anger and Aggression

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