Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Nutrition and Dietetics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nutrition and Dietetics - Essay Example In doing this, the project coordinator naturally outlines the importance of the project within the society. Additionally, it is important to explain the relationship between the various stakeholders and their environment. The environment will influence the nature of their operations and the type of project designed in this case. It thus becomes important to evaluate and discuss the nature of the of the environment and the effects of human behaviors and their developments in order to determine the best and most cost effective means of preventing diabetes from the target audience. The human ecological theory provides an effective framework upon which to investigate the relationship between humans and their environments thus making the design and execution of the plan possible. Medical professionals such as doctors are directly involved with the design and the planning of the project. They understand the factors that lead to the prevalence of the disease and are equally capable of devis ing effective treatments. Their involvement in the project is therefore basic since they will formulate and implement the daily operational plans. Teachers on the other hand will carry out civic education. They will organize mobile education centers from where they will interact with their target audience and teach them on the ways of preventing the prevalence of the disease. They will therefore liaise with the doctors and carry out consultative sessions in which the teachers provide best prevention methods as formulated and advised by the medical professionals. This way, the entire project becomes realistic as each party relies on the other for the success of the entire project (Willett, 1998). The high-risk adults are the audience of the project; they will constitute the targeted public among which the civic education, diagnosis and treatment program will take place. The medical professionals and the teachers will formulate effective plans of actions that best address the issues t hat either affect or influence the population’s susceptibility to the disease. The project will therefore involve identifying the target audience, formulating effective programs that will befit the special group that constitute the audience and finally carrying out the civic education. To carry out the above activities effectively, the project coordinator will liaise with the local authority whose support is relevant for the success of the project. Additionally, the project will incorporate medical testing as a way of investigating the prevalence of the type 2 diabetes among the targeted population. In analyzing the relationship among the different stakeholders in the project, the human ecological theory provides five environmental systems with which humans interact. The theory provides community psychologists with an effective platform to analyze and understand human interactions both among themselves and with their societies. Among the five is microsystem, which will have d irect relevance in the project. Microsystem refers to the groups and institutions in the society directly relevant in a child’s development. Such include schools, peers, religious institutions and neighborhood. The project will consider the prevalence of the same and their relations to the targeted audience. Such social features as peers and neighborhood will help the medical profe

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