Friday, October 18, 2019

Governance and Politics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Governance and Politics - Assignment Example The prosperity of an organization or a nation highly depends on its political willpower and framework. Organizations adapt political strategies that will enable them to impact on the formulation and implementation of policies and regulations that affect them. These strategies could be reactive or proactive. Non-profit organizations are more democratic than profit organizations. This allows them to adapt proactive political strategies. These include government association and ‘Action’ Advocacy for example electoral, legislation, media, international, grassroots, public education and opinion shaping and legal advocacy. These political strategies are ‘outward-focused ‘and allow for dialogue, and often contest, with the government, for-profit organizations and the public (Bruce, 1992). For-profit organizations are less democratic. They usually adapt reactive political strategies as a means of presenting or defending their political positions on certain issues. Examples are direct and citizen participation, and representation strategies. These strategies give little room for dialogue with non-profit organizations and the public. If the nonprofit organization were a public education organization, the strategy would change to societal force mobilisation so ·ci ·e ·tal  Ã‚   Diversity on board enables an organization to benefit from the varied pool of thoughts and experiences. This enhances the organization’s problem-solving ability and its ability to utilize available global opportunities. According to Ramiez (2003), board diversity also helps to avoid remove corruption which is normally encouraged by close relations among board members. It enables a board, on behalf of the organization, to achieve a global reach for their business. This is a sign of improved effectiveness. This is true especially if the diversified

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